Master's thesis

Master's Thesis (25 ECTS)

The Master's Thesis serves as proof of the ability to handle scientific topics independently in terms of content and methodology. Therefore, the subject of the master's thesis is to be selected so that it is possible and feasible for the students to complete it within six months. 

The next deadlines for graduation are: 

11.06.2024 – submission of the final thesis to the SSC, if you plan to have the master's exam at the end of September 2024

09.07.2024 – submission of the final thesis to the SSC, if you plan to have the master's exam at the end of October 2024

08.10.2024 – submission of the final thesis to the SSC, if you plan to have the master's exam at the end of January 2025

19.11.2024 – submission of the final thesis to the SSC, if you plan to have the master's exam at the beginning of March 2025

17.12.2024 – submission of the final thesis to the SSC, if you plan to have the master's exam at the end of March 2025

18.03.2025 – submission of the final thesis to the SSC, if you plan to have the master's exam at the end of June 2025

Registration of the topic of the Master's Thesis

As soon as you receive a grade from the MASE seminar, you can register the title of your master's thesis.