Examination Pass

As soon as all your grades have been registered, to confirm that everything is in order with your examination pass, you may conduct the following check in u:space under Home > Studies > Record of examinations.

If you scroll down on the same page, you are going to see a detailed version of your Record of Examinations, where the so-called traffic light system is found, with the green color indicating that:
- the respective course has been successfully completed by you,
- it is registered in the right study module, according to the curriculum of your studies. (see u:space screenshot below)

If you notice any traffic light being yellow or red or the total amount of ECTS completed being less than expected, you may refer to our Programm Administrator, Dimitra Eisterer Petimeza (commscience@univie.ac.at), for her to conduct a control of your examination pass as well. For this, you only need to send her a transcript of records (print out in u:space).

For your information: The total number of ECTS, if you have completed all courses including the MA seminar, should be 90 in total. The Master's thesis is 25 ECTS and the Master's examination is 5 ECTS. This adds up to 120 ECTS, the total number of ECTS for our Master's degree program.